When The Gamache Team wrote about the start of March Madness last week, we had no idea the world would be so affected by the Coronavirus (Covid-19).
As sports fans, business owners, and realtors who have our own families, we feel the surrealness of a world that is so impacted by this unprecedented situation.
The Gamache Team Sends our Thoughts to all Who are Affected
Our hearts go out to all who are affected by the virus and the recent decision to Shelter in Place. We have lived, worked, played, and volunteered in this community for decades, watching the area grow and flourish. It is a sad time to see our friends, families, and communities around the world be stopped from flourishing and living life as usual.
Making the Best out of a Bad Situation
A family with kids of our own, The Gamache Team knows the struggles and challenges that go along with having kids home for several weeks. Summer came earlier than many of us expected, with no time to prepare for camps or activities and being isolated for our best interests.
With that in mind, we wanted to offer you some ideas to make the best out of the time you have with your family.
Board Games! The Gamache Team is a fan of board games. In a world filled with virtual reality and the distractions of devices, take some time to get back to the basics! Monopoly, Scrabble, Chutes and Ladders, Sorry, Yahtzee, and Aggravation are all winners!
Cards! There are a number of fun games you can play with cards, and they are appropriate for each member of the family. Kids can play concentration, or match, learn how to add and subtract, play classics such as Go Fish, Old Maid, Crazy 8’s, or War! Adults can play the oldies but goodies known as Gin, Canasta, or Pinnacle. Get into the bidding with Poker or Blackjack.
Arts and Crafts! There’s nothing like grabbing scraps of anything in the house and making a collage, an art project, a vision board, a gift for a member in the family, or someone outside the family. How long has it been since your family members wrote a letter and drew a picture? Decorate the house for the upcoming holidays, spring, or summer! It’s a great way to liven up the home and keep everyone happy. Add some fun music and some snacks.
Create Movie Night for the Family! Have the kids pick a movie the entire family will enjoy. Choose one child to make movie tickets to “sell;” have another family member set up a “concession stand” with drinks and snacks to “buy,” and set up a room with dim lights. Have everyone stand in line with “money” to buy a ticket and treats!
Sports! Make your own March Madness family style! Create teams and cut up old shirts to resemble a jersey, then tape or write numbers on the back. In the back yard, garage, front yard, or even at a park, have your own National Championship Game, with homemade trophies and certificates for all winners.
Remembering What Matters During this Pandemic
The Gamache Team wishes you and your family health, calmness, and the strength to endure this situation. Together, we can persevere.